出典:YouTube / takahashi taiyou
タイトル | Plarail Thomas the Tank Engine ☆ We played with the big turntable and engine shed toys! |
説明文 | I played with my friends from Thomas the Tank Engine and created a course with a turntable and engin... |
公開日時 | 2023-11-23 20:00:35 |
長さ | 08:11 |
再生回数 | 219396 |
チャンネル名 | takahashi taiyou |
チャンネルURL | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6K0hSHAJZ7sAp4IAbQ4GFw |
動画サムネイル | |
動画URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IzBFkJyNqU |